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Highly Profitable Website Support & Design Agency with 100% Retained Clients for Recurring Revenue

This SBA approved website support, design, and development agency specializes in providing services to eCommerce businesses. They offer website design, development, maintenance, and ongoing support to help businesses transform their websites into profitable eCommerce platforms. With a 100% long-term repeat client rate and an average revenue of $73,400+ per client, this agency has established itself as a leading player in the eCommerce industry.


The agency provides website design, development, maintenance, and ongoing support services for eCommerce businesses. Their expertise in analyzing, enhancing, and updating websites helps clients achieve their financial goals and increase conversions. They offer two proprietary development processes, the ‘Essential’ build process for new companies, and the ‘Brand Enhancement’ process for companies looking for a competitive edge. With a dedicated team of full-time workers and part-time contractors, the agency ensures high-quality service and client satisfaction.

The agency focuses on providing website support services, so supply and logistics primarily revolve around ensuring the smooth operation of their clients’ eCommerce platforms. This includes maintaining and updating websites, ensuring compatibility with various devices and browsers, and implementing customized solutions to meet client requirements. The agency works closely with clients to understand their needs and provide efficient support and maintenance services.


The agency currently relies on word-of-mouth referrals, webinars, and industry conferences to seek out new clients. They have social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn but have not fully utilized SEO or email marketing. Social media, email marketing, and educational blog posts offer great potential for organic growth. The agency can leverage their webinars on platforms like YouTube to expand their customer base and promote their services through upcoming industry conferences.

The agency currently acquires clients through word-of-mouth referrals, webinars, and industry conferences. They have social media accounts and can leverage platforms like YouTube to expand their customer base. By implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, including social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and educational blog posts, the agency can drive sales and accelerate growth. They can also upsell existing clients on website upgrades and expand their services through new webinars and conference promotions.

Key metrics for this agency include client retention rate, average revenue per client, percentage of support clients who request development services, and the number of new development clients acquired each year. Currently, the agency has a 100% long-term repeat client rate, an average revenue of $73,400+ per client, and 78% of support clients requesting development services. They aim to bring on at least three new development clients each year.

The agency’s customer base consists of eCommerce businesses that require website support, design, development, and ongoing maintenance services. Their clients range from new companies looking to launch in the eCommerce space to established businesses seeking to enhance their website’s performance and competitive edge. The agency’s expertise in eCommerce platforms, custom solutions, and support services makes them a trusted partner for clients in need of reliable and effective website support.


The agency has an experienced team in place, including three full-time workers and two part-time contractors. The team handles website development, maintenance, bookkeeping, and client tasks. The current owner devotes between 40 and 50 hours per week to running the business. However, digital marketing expertise is currently lacking, and there is room for growth by implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy.


The eCommerce industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with an estimated 24 million eCommerce sites worldwide. However, studies show that less than one million of these sites generate more than $1,000 per year. This agency focuses on providing essential services to eCommerce businesses, helping them transform their websites into profitable platforms. With eCommerce revenue in the US exceeding $469 billion and eCommerce accounting for 13% of total US retail sales, there is immense potential for growth in the industry.


Scale opportunities for this agency include expanding their digital marketing efforts, upselling existing clients on website upgrades, and increasing the number of webinars and industry conference promotions. By implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy, leveraging social media, improving search engine visibility, and producing educational content, the agency can attract more clients and drive growth. They can also consider adding Shopify as a platform for design and development work, capitalizing on its popularity among small business eCommerce operators.

Asking Price: $649,000
Gross Income: $547,213
Cash Flow: $163,747
Year Established: 2014
Employees: 4

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