Medical Textiles & Senior Products

A Profitable 23 Year E-Commerce Business in the Medical Textiles and Senior Products Verticals

This eCommerce business deals with the sales of medical textiles and senior products. The business has been running for more than 23 years and belongs to an extensive portfolio of successful e-commerce websites that cater to a diversified B2B group of industrial customers and B2C volume buyers. They offer a wide range of products that includes adult assisted living consumables, volume bedding, laundry, and personal care supplies, etc. The company has not fully utilized social media marketing, as a direct seller, and email and direct sales marketing strategy. The business has enormous opportunities for scale potentials.


The company has more than two decades of history in multiple evergreen sectors, including the ever-expanding Assisted Living & Senior Products Vertical, including in-home medical-grade goods. The company’s SKU mix is highly diverse and ranges from adult assisted living consumables to volume bedding, laundry and personal care supplies revolving around mobility and comfort goods, such as laundry bags, pillowcases, gowns, socks, etc.

The company offers Direct To Customer with a hybrid 90/10 stock/drop ship and ship fulfillment platform, offering flexibility and maximized margins from product to product, based on the needs of both specific verticals and vendor supply chains.


The company has achieved great diversity of customers through its multiple websites across several low-key, high-margin niches, including a general supplies site, a commercial laundry bag site, an industrial pillowcase site, and a drop ship site specializing in electric blankets.

The eCommerce business follows B2B and B2C sales channels.

As much as 64% of sales comes from repeat sales. Additionally, the business has a 65% repeat order rate.

The business has a diversified B2B group of industrial customers and B2C volume buyers.


The eCommerce business has two employees.


The world population of individuals 65 and older is growing at an unprecedented pace, driven by better healthcare, improved nutrition, and a dramatic decrease in infectious disease exposure. The online textile, medical & assisted living retail industry has boomed over the past five years, and this trend is projected to continue over the next five to 10 years.


The company has not fully utilized social media marketing, as a direct seller, and email and direct sales marketing strategy.

Asking Price: $3,300,000
Gross Income: $2,315,001
Cash Flow: $642,215
Year Established: 1999
Employees: 2

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